How It Works

Bring a business or tech challenge that you would like to review with your peers. Meet us for coffee at 10:00 am at the Eide Bailly headquarters in the DTC. At 1:00 pm, we all walk downstairs to have lunch at Ruth Chris, and Eide Bailly picks up the tab. *Dates to be announced.


Who Is Eligible

The quality of the experience is tied to the quality of the members. This is an exclusive group, discussions are strictly confidential and details are not shared.
This is for Manufacturing Industry: Department Heads / Division Heads / GMs / Senior Executives / Senior IT influencers. Membership is upon approval only.

The MTG Story

MTG is an invitation only community of the very best Manufacturing Executives, who meet in small groups to share what works and avoid mistakes. It was created by Manufacturing Executives who wanted a step beyond conferences and sales pitches. MTG is a confidential and open forum where members share insights, experiences, and best practices.

Technology is eating the world and, MTG is a proven tool to align Technology with Boardroom Strategy.